Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Story

I don't know how many people care to hear the details of my labor and delivery, but since there are 4 of you that are having babies within the next month, I figured you might be interested.

I had a very easy labor. That doesn't meant that it wasn't the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It was. But I know I was really lucky with the way things went for me, and I have so much respect for others who go through more.

Thursday morning I was sitting at my computer, working. (I work from home.) I kept feeling like I was peeing my pants, a little at a time. So I asked someone I was working with about it, and she told me I had better go to the hospital to make sure my water hadn't broken. I decided to call the hospital first, and the nurse I talked to said to hurry in. So Mr. Rogue and I packed our bags just in case we ended up staying.
When we got to the hospital, the nurse checked me, and my water wasn't broken. She called my doctor and he said to just have me walk around for an hour and see if anything happens. I was dilated to a 2 at the point. After an hour I had changed to a 3, but the nurse didn't really think that was enough to keep me for. She said she was going to call my doctor back and then they would release us.
She came back about 15 minutes later and said that our doctor told her to admit us. I have Group B Strep, and the doctor decided to keep me because I needed two doses of the antibiotic before delivery. He just decided to start me so that could be regulated.
A few minutes later he came and broke me water. WHAT A WEIRD FEELING. The doctor said I was ready for an epidural whenever I wanted it, .... he sent the anesthesiologist right in. Contractions started then, but I only had to endure them for 30 minutes. Notice the word endure. I got an epidural at 1:30, dilated between 2 and 3 centimeters an hour, and started pushing at 6:30. Little Red was born at 7:26.
Let me just say that epidurals are heaven sent. I didn't feel even ONE contraction after I got it, and we just played cards with Mr. Rogue's sisters.

Being a mom is the funnest thing I could possibly do. Red is such a good baby. This morning I was holding her, and I just started to cry because I love her so much. Mr. Rogue is such a good daddy. We have both changed so much in just a few days. I look forward to every moment we get to spend together.

That's all for now. We are going to try to get some sleep.


Kacey said...

ahh you are sooo lucky! Im praying i can have an easy delivery...if she ever decides to make an entrance!! You'll have to put more pics up of her!!

Our Family said...

That is awesome! I'm sure she is the most precious little thing! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations to the new Mommy and Daddy who are going to be awesome parents! That child sure will be loved! :)

Denise said...

I can only hope things go as well for me! Yah right:) I am glad things went well and I want to know what name you finally decided on...either email me or I call you or something. Wish I could be there to see her in person. She is a cutey. And I agree with Lisa, we need more pictures!

Hepworth Family said...

So glad that everything went so well. I know how worried you were about going through all of that! But I hope that you can just enjoy it for all it's worth! She seems like a wonderful baby. What a blessing! What a blessing!
Thanks for the Dr recommendation too! We'll keep you posted.

Unknown said...

AMEN! to EVERYTHING! Enjoy this because they grow sooo fast! I keep forgetting how little Squeeker used to be and now he's crawling around like he owns the place! I say enjoy it now, but it's one of those things that gets better and better and funner each and every day. Especially when they start doing/trying new things. I just love being a mom!! I'm glad you share my enthusiasm :) Hope you're doing great, I'll give you a call one of these days!

Karri Warren said...

I had Group B strep with Kaija too. You are lucky that your labor was so straight forth. I was in labor for 33 hours. but that is a different story. You are more than welcome to keep up with my blog, but you will have to remind me of who you are. Do you know me or my hubby? You look like the girl I used to know, and my hubby knows, lexi, but it has been YEARS. Sorry :)

Becky said...

Oh, it's so special, huh? And you two are such incredible parents already. Thanks for sharing your story; I like to hear. BTW, you should describe the weird-ness of having your water broken... I'm curious.