Wednesday, September 17, 2008

4 weeks

I love being a mom. I love being able to stay home all day and just enjoy taking care of Red. She was awake yesterday more than she's ever been. She's focusing on my face now, so we spent a lot of time just cuddling and looking at each other. I want her to know me. Her eyes are so beautiful.

I'm shocked at the way my poll turned out. 10 votes for Mr. Rogue, and only 1 for me. I figured it would be about half and half. Maybe this picture will change your mind.

I thought I would be excited when I saw signs of her moving on to a new stage. It would mean (hopefully) a little more sleep, more interaction with each other, and a lot more fun clothes. Although I would LOVE to get more sleep, and to interact with her a little more while she is awake, I have started to notice her growing up, and I don't like it. When she was born she weighed 6.13. It's been a month, and now she weighs 9.1. I am moving her on to size 1 diapers today. She's not a newborn anymore. : (

We are blessing her this Sunday in Wyoming. She is going to wear the dress that I was blessed in. It's beautiful. This is going to be our first traveling experience as a family. I am so excited. Being with family has TWICE the draw for me now because I love showing off Red, and having people oogle over how cute she is. Because she really is adorable.


Becky said...

Yes, she really is adorable. I didn't see the poll, so I didn't vote; oops! I promise she's still a newborn, even though she's growing. :)

Our Family said...

She is so beautiful! I'm sure it's tough to watch her grow up! But every step of the way is just as I've been told. I wish we could be there this Sunday, but I have to teach, so a trip wouldn't really work for us! Plus since Becky and Adam will be in town for the game, I'm watching the little one on Saturday! But we'll make a trip up to meet her soon! Glad you are doing so well! Hope you are getting enough rest! :)

Hepworth Family said...

I felt the same way about Ben. Every time I had to purchase a different sized diaper, it was a sad day! But he was in newborn size for over 2 months because of surgery and everything he went through the first few months of life.
Red is beautiful and it will only get better as life goes on. Just remember the quiet moments that let you drink it all up.
If you want some suggestions about getting babies to sleep longer just come and visit and we'll talk. Or you are welcome to call too.