Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blessing and More Questions

Red was blessed in Wyoming last Sunday. She looked so cute in her dress! Marcus gave a wonderful blessing,...of course I cried. It was wonderful to see our families. We love being in Wyoming so much.
Here are just a random picture I took this morning. I love her eyes!
So in response to my last post about Red's sleeping patterns, or lack of, I have more questions. I took your advice, pumped, and gave her a bottle. Also, I have fed her more often during the day. I've done this twice. Both nights I still didn't get more than a 3 hour stretch. I might not be feeding her enough still? So specifically, here are my questions:

KACEY: How much do you feed Brooklyn at night? (in ounces) And what time do you put her to bed?
MARILYN: How do you pump enough for all night feedings during the day? Do you pump between feedings or maybe pump one side and only feed her on the other? I just wonder how you have enough. And, how do you keep from getting engorged during the night?
LAURA: I want you to answer both. How much do you feed him and when do you pump?

I will gladly take suggestions from EVERYONE.

Also, for any of you that don' t know yet, my sister had her baby last Friday night. She has a cute picture of her daughter on her blog.

(The word blog is a link...proudmamablogga.)


Jess & Tal said...

She is such a doll! I would definitely say she has your bottom lip;) I'm sure you get told that all the time! I can't say that I have too much advice on the sleeping question cause I kinda lucked out. Tal only wakes up once or twice from 10:00pm to 9:00am, and its been like that since she was two weeks old. As harsh as it may seem, I try to make sure she stays awake from 5:00pm on... and she is to the point where she knows bath time means bedtime. So her bath is usually around 8:30pm to 9:00pm... then I let her eat as much as she wants til she falls asleep:) Hope you find something that helps you! I didn't know your sister had a blog - and I SURELY didn't know she had another babe! Time flies.

Our Family said...

That dress is so cute! I'm glad it all went well. Your hair looks lighter, by the way. I like it! And you are one happy mom, even if you are as tired as heck! Love you! Good luck

Laura said...

Okay, will try my best to answer them. I feed Bryan I think 4 ounces any where from 7:30 to 9 (depending on when his last feeding was). And he usually falls to sleep while eating or shortly after. I watch Bryan for clues to when he is tired enough to go to sleep. I am not super strict on having it be the same time every night. But usually it ends up being about 8 o'clock.

With Callie, I never had any extra milk pumped. On Sunday mornings, I would pump like crazy after each time she ate and I would get about 2 ounces total extra to bring to church. With Bryan, I usually pump once more after he goes to bed (about 2-3 hours after he is down). And in the mornings I usually can pump some more out after he eats.

I do get engorged just about ever night. I used to wake up in puddles quite often, but I just change clothes and change the bed. I think that I am finally regulating a little better with that.

Bryan usually eats 3.5 to 4.5 ounces from a bottle at a time. So I am guessing that is about how much he gets when he nurses as well.

And I know that you don't want to hear this, but with Callie, nothing worked to get her to sleep for longer periods of time until she was older. I hope that you can figure something out that works for Red.

And she looks beautiful in her blessing dress!!!

There is an amazing lactation consultant who I think is in the hospital there. It is in a little shop that sells pumps and things. If you could find that number, she would probably have some ideas for you. Good luck!!

Kacey said...

hey! she is way cute in that dress!! Im excited to bless brooklyn! Well at night time i try to keep her up from 7-7:30 on and then around 10 or 11 she gets acting really sleepy. I pump out about 3-3 1/2 ounces and give that to her and she usually is pretty close to falling asleep by the end of the bottle. The other night she went to bed at midnight, but slept until 8:30, and last night she did 5 hour stretches. The more brooklyn eats before she sleeps the longer she stays asleep. good luck!!!!

Doug and Marilyn said...

Hey chica! You and that sweet baby look so good! What a special day you all shared together. I love blessing day!

Alright, where to start!? I nursed AJ before bed which was at about 8:00 back then. The first time we decided to do bottles at night we gave her formula (the free can from the hospital). Doug fed her the bottle and I only took about 20 minutes. Then we would put her back to bed and she would usually go about 4 hours and we would do it again, but from then on we always had breast milk from me pumping the time before. That helped so I didn't get engorged and Doug was a sweetheart to sacrifice 40 minutes total of his night. It seems I would always pump the exact ounces as hours passed. So if she went 4 hours, I'd pump 4 ounces. But really, it's just trial and error. We found what worked for us during those late, sleepy hours. And it won't be too much longer I hope! Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.

Anonymous said...

Oh she looks so cute in her dress! What a wonderful day!!! :D You look so great too! Just thought I would let you know that I had to set my blog to private and I need your email address so you can view it! Thanks!

Hepworth Family said...

I love her little dress! I'm glad that it all went well and that it was so special for you. What a wonderful mother you are!
I know it sounds crazy, but I used to pump 4 oz of each breast and then breastfeed Ben on top of that! He always had more than enough milk! Until I was strictly pumping and measuring everything out.
I think the best thing for any baby is routine. If you can get them into a routine, like Jess said, where they know what time it is and what to expect each night. It will get easier. Those months seem to pass by so quickly, but it's hard to see at the moment.
If you'd like more advice give me a call.
Take Care!