Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ready for Advice

I want some advice from all of you mothers out there. I know there are tons of different theories about getting babies to sleep through the night sooner, but I want to know what worked for YOU. I know that I can't expect much to change, where Red is only a month old, but getting more than a 2 hour stretch of sleep in the night would be amazing.

Also, how do you do little girls' hair? Gel? Lotion? I want her to be super cute for her blessing.


Laura said...

I wish that I had some advice for you with the sleeping dilemma. Callie didn't like to sleep and loved to eat. And now Bryan loves to sleep and not so much with the eating.

Have you tried pumping and giving her a bottle before bed? If you have a bottle that is a little easier to get milk from (easier than you) then maybe Red would eat more right before and sleep for a longer stretch.

By the way, she is a gorgeous girl!!

proudmamablogga said...

I just always used bows on Pearl's hair. I tried honey and a bow for pictures once and it just fell off. You can cut those bows I made you and reglue them to fit. When her head gets bigger, you can just add the right size of elastic.

I wish I could tell you something about sleeping. I read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It was bitter sweet, and it won't help her while she's so young anyway.

Karri Warren said...

I can definitely shed some light on the likes of newborn girls with lots of hair. After all, Kaija is only 3 months old and she has more hair than any child I have ever seen. I use baby body wash as gel on her hair to make it curly or to stay in a foe-hawk. I also use headbands. As for sleeping, I know that the more that you feed her at one time the less often she is likely to be hungry (and will therefore sleep longer) But I also know that every baby is different and this may not work with all children. My best advice is to sleep while she sleeps and know that when she is ready, she will sleep for longer. It is hard for the first couple months. Kaija is just now starting to sleep through the night. It is hard to get to that point, but in hind-sight, I would do it again. :)

Tiffany said...

I don't know the answer, but I will give you my two cents worth anyway. I read a book called "Becoming Baby Wise" ( I think) that is about scheduling babies, and they claim that if you follow it your baby will sleep through the night sooner, for whatever it's worth. Also, for me it seems to help if I try to keep my babies awake for a little bit-not too much- during the day it helps them sleep a little better at night. And I always work really hard to make sure he eats a full feeding so that he doesn't wake up hungry again right away. I am no expert, but that's the best i can do!

Becky said...

I can't help with the hair unfortunately. :) As for sleep, I used some tactics that worked well; I will chat with you this weekend. Mostly, though, I think it took at least six weeks to feel like I was understanding my baby and his needs; then I was more at ease and getting better sleep myself.

nicole lindsay said...

Try the book called "Baby Wise" it is supposed the be the baby bible on how to raise a baby.

Doug and Marilyn said...

You've made it through the first month! It really is the hardest...but you are not alone with the sleeping issue. Our little girl had a hard time staying awake to eat at night so we ended up pumping and feeding her a bottle through the night hours. I realize the whole maternity 6 week leave is there for a reason. By then your little sweetie will be able to sleep longer and so will you...for now just try to adjust your life to sleeping in little increments. Good luck!!

Mckade.Stacie.Navie said...

i love your blog!~ Im so glad you found us~ Your little girl is adorable and its very smart with the name thing! keep in touch!:)

Kacey said...

hey~ Good luck on the whole sleeping thing, brooklyn some how is on a really good schedule and sleeps anywhere from 4-6 hours at a time! its great! Like the other ppl said i pump at night and give her a bottle before bed so i know she is full..the first couple of nights i didnt and i was up every other hour. It seems to work for us. Also we try and keep her up from like 7 on so she will be more tired! Good luck! Shes way cute!

LeBaron Family said...

The best thing do let the little one eat as much as possible the first 6 months. By 6 months then it's healthy for your little one to sleep through the night. As the babe gets older the feedings will space themselves out.