Thursday, February 26, 2009

Um, Remember Me?

It has been SO long since I have posted any pictures of the little one. Here is our quick update. Little Red is a MOVER. She crawls/scoots all over the place. She is 6 months old now and she is such a blast. She really likes to buzz her lips together. She giggles at her own noises. And her very FAVORITE thing, is Daddy. When she sees him she gets a huge smile on her face and starts flailing her arms in an attempt to get to him. She is eating cereal, carrots, and sweet potatoes. She is also really good at drinking from a sippy cup. I even had her drink from a normal cup the other day.
There isn't anything too exciting going on with Mr. Rogue and me. We both study a lot. I got laid off from my job : ( but I love being able to get more done around here. Mr. Rogue doesn't have much work right now either, so times are a little tough.
Here are some pictures. I hope I haven't posted any of these before...

These are Mr. Rogue's sisters. We took a whole bunch of family pictures the day after Christmas. This one is just funny to me. He looks so good!I started a new blog. It's just a crafty sort of thing where I will post cool do-it-yourself things and good deals and what not. There isn't much there yet, but hopefully I will be a better blogger from here on out.
(Click HERE for my other blog.)


Hepworth Family said...

I love Red! She is so cute!
We had so much fun the other night. It was so nice to see you guys again and to visit.
Your family pictures are cute!

Denise said...

Your hair is so long! Red is so cute too. You have the cutest little family. I was way excited to see an update! I love seeing pictures of everyone.

Aspen said...

You guys are so cute!! Red is so adorable!!!! I'm excited for your new blog! Thanks for the update!!!

Becky said...

What a great family picture. Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your hair is super, super long! :) Red is just adorable too! Love the family picture!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your hair is super, super long! :) Red is just adorable too! Love the family picture!

kelsey gallo said...

i can't believe how fast little red is growing!! she's guna have to stop by soon!

proudmamablogga said...

What a great family picture of you guys! Your hair is gorgeous, Rogue.